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police officer复数,police office用英语怎么读

police officer的复数police office用英语怎么读police officer复数形式police officer与policeman区别police officer怎么记忆dead by police after stabbing in Glasgow hotel. BBC News. 2020-06-26 [2020-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-26).  Glasgow stabbings: Hero police officer critical。

dead by police after stabbing in Glasgow hotel. BBC News. 2020-06-26 [2020-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-26).  Glasgow stabbings: Hero police officer critical。


133028 Police officer, staff and PCSO numbers | MPA. MPA. [2010-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-23).  Met Police budget settlement to put more police on beat。

1 3 3 0 2 8 P o l i c e o f f i c e r , s t a f f a n d P C S O n u m b e r s | M P A . M P A . [ 2 0 1 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 ] . ( yuan shi nei rong cun dang yu 2 0 1 0 - 0 3 - 2 3 ) .   M e t P o l i c e b u d g e t s e t t l e m e n t t o p u t m o r e p o l i c e o n b e a t 。


巡査长(日语:巡査长/じゅんさちょう Jyunsachō */?,英文:Senior Police Officer、Corporal)是日本警察的阶级,位於巡查部长之下,相当於自卫队士长(上等兵)至二等士(二等兵)间的阶级。 巡査长並非正式规定的阶级,是根据《巡查长相关规定》(1972年国家公安委员。

female police officer shot dead. telegraph.co.uk. 4 July 2013 [6 July 2013]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-08).  BBC News. Top Afghanistan female police officer dies。

警监(Police Captain) ——2道银色横杠 副警监(Police Lieutenant)—— 1道银色横杠 警佐(Police Sergeant) ——3道折杠 警探(Police Detective) 警员(Police Officer) 说明:洛杉磯警衔系统中,从警员到总警监,各级內还有不同档次。比如,。

社区服务警察(Police Community Support Officer(英语:Police Community Support Officer#United Kingdom),缩写PCSO):伦敦市警察標誌位於肩章最上方,其下是PCSO的字样,最外侧则是警员识別编号。 警员(Police。


Officers Get 17 Percent Raises over Four Years 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2008-12-01. Police Officer Contract Breakdown. [2009-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-31).  2005 Duties。

shooting: Police officer 'stabbed'. 英国广播公司. 2017-03-23 [2017-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-22).  Parliament attack: man shot after police officer stabbed and。

Members of the Dallas Police Department Dallas, TX. The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc. [2008-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-14).  Dallas Police Department memorial。

大学应用犯罪学文凭、牛津大学法学硕士及雪菲尔大学工商管理硕士学位。原任警察厅总监保罗·史蒂文生(英语:Paul Stephenson (police officer))於2011年7月辞职后,霍根-豪於同年8月和另外3名人候选人同角逐有关职位。同年9月12日,霍根-豪通过內政大臣和伦敦市长的面试、成。


新泽西州使用“惩教警察(Correctional Police Officer)”一词。根据新泽西州官员的执法地位和权威,惩教部门雇用的新泽西州官员被归类为“警察(Police Officer)”。 “惩教官员(Correctional Officer)”在澳大利亚、加拿大、牙买加和美国被使用。。


警察机动部队(英语:Police Mobile Force,缩写PMF)於1940年设於英国巴勒斯坦託管地,是巴勒斯坦警察队的下属部队。 1946年12月,在諮询查理斯·佐治·域咸(英语:Charles Wickham (police officer))后,警务总监尼科尔·格雷(希伯来语:ויליאם。

Chauvin, who is 44, did not always want to be a police officer.  Barker, Kim; Kovaleski, Serge F. Officer Who Pressed His Knee on George Floyd's Neck Drew。

(美国英语).  Ryan, Josiah. Slain Boulder police officer Eric Talley was first to respond at the scene, says police chief. 2021-03-22 [2021-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-23)。

Seattle police officer under investigation as footage shows him saying woman's life had 'limited value' after she was fatally hit by police car. CNN。


影片从九一一袭击事件生还者、两名纽约与纽泽西港务局警察约翰·麦克劳林(英语:John McLoughlin (police officer))和威尔·荷曼诺(英语:Will Jimeno)的视角来描述这场灾难。 真人真事改编,2001年9月11日,被劫机的美国航空11号班机。

French police officer killed in terrorist shooting on Champs Elysées. The Local. 2017-04-20 [2017-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-26).  Paris shooting: Police officers。

Householder, Mike. Daunte Wright shooting: Police officer Kim Potter, Chief Tom Gannon resign from Brooklyn Center Police Department. ABC7. abc7. 2021-04-13。

D. Merrill Police Officer----Don Ross Police Officer----James Seay Police Officer----John Shay Police Officer----Jon Shepodd Police Officer----Peter Virgo。

k上曾发布一些支持伊斯兰民族及其前领导人路易斯·法拉堪的帖子,诺亚·格林还表示美国政府是黑人的头号公敌。 Segers, Grace. Police officer dies after suspect rams car into Capitol barricade; suspect also dead。

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